Off to Ottawa One More Time

Well, I’m off to Ottawa again this Christmas holiday, to spend it with my Mom and family. I’m leaving earlier than planned, which has got me a bit loopy – I was expecting to get a variety of things done this week, but I got a call today from my Dad that said I should probably get an earlier flight if possible, so with Jeanette’s help, a change was made – my weekend flight was moved to Wednesday morning. Jeanette’s still flying out this weekend.

As you may know from reading these rants, my Mom’s sick with cancer, and she’s in the last stages now. She went into the hospital several days ago because of an overdose of morphine and other pills, and while she’s recovering from that, she’s suffered other setbacks that mean she may not get out of the hospital (or at best, will be moved to a cancer care center in a few days).

It looks like we’ll get at least one more Christmas in together, which is a blessing, no doubt, with all the family together.

I am just getting tired of seeing her suffer.



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