Hydroponic lettuce


Spiffle! a VanIsle Blog

started in 1997, abandoned in 2012, reborn in 2021
bringing a bit of that 1997 flavour to 2021 design and tech.

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The Konica Hexar RF Camera - a rangefinder par excellence, but one I don't use, and probably should sell.

A hobby of sorts: driving along the country roads of the Vancouver Island Lower Peninsula, stopping and checking out many of the small farm stands …

Never made a dime on CoffeeGeek Forums' Buy and Sell section, and I regret it.

If you like cooking with sunflower oil as much as I do, you should consider stocking up on it, and soon.

Stop paying $1 a litre for club soda, and more than 50 cents a liter to sodastream; discover home soda making for less than 2 cents a litre.

British Columbia is bringing in a Vaccine Passport system for the province. It’s not perfect (it doesn’t include outdoor ticketed sports events, even those with …