Dukes! Dukes of Hazzard!

Ever have that kind of day where you feel like sitting and being a vegetable? I’m having that day today. I was going to try and update my company page today, but couldn’t motivate myself. I could barely get myself to update this page. It’s a blah day for sure, and I don’t feel like doing anything, even going out. I just want to sit and vegetate.

I found out there is a Dukes of Hazard reunion show on TV tonight (CBS 8pm). When I was a kid, I was a HUGE Dukes of Hazard fan… “Just two good ole’ boys, never meaning no harm!”. I used to love those unbelievable jumps! Did you ever notice that the General Lee’s front end crunches during the show’s intro song? They cut it quick, but you can see it. Anyway, I’m going to watch it tonight, just to have a laugh. I know Uncle Jessie is still alive – I saw him last year, and he looks EXACTLY the same!



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