More late night infomercial lunacy

I got my Tony Little Gazelle today from Purolator delivery! I just finished my first workout with it after assembling it (easy), familiarizing myself with it (easy), warming up (gotta get more graceful!) and then doing the 10 minute beginner level exercises. Boy am I outta shape… but you know what? I like the machine. It is fun to use. It takes a bit of time to get good on it, but it is fun! The ten minutes, listening to Tony’s rants, went by quickly, and after I warmed down, did I feel it in my legs and arms. It’s far to early for me to recommend the thing, say it works, etc., but I definitely feel like I’ve been through a workout. And here’s your link for the day – Tony Little’s own website!

As a secondary note, I am in the midst of redesigning my company web site, and I am looking for comments. I don’t want to post the temporary URL just yet, as it’s still very experimental, but if you would like to give me your comments about it, e-mail me and I’ll send you the URL. I need some more feedback, because I sent out about 8 messages to online friends to review the design for me, but only 3 have written back. Hrmph! Nice friends!



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