Sigh…. is off the air as of 7pm tonight. Another implosion.

I have been a long time listener to the web site, two shows only – Dave Meltzer’s Wrestling Observer Live, and the Dan and Scott show. I used to listen to Dan and Scott in the past before Eyada, on TalkSpot (long gone) and Hit the Beach (still there but not worth the link). I assume they will be somewhere else online in a short while, I just hope it isn’t Real Networks – I really don’t like that company and their system-leech software.

Every afternoon for me over the past few years has been the same – listen to Dave Meltzer while I work. Evenings while reading and relaxing, I would listen to Dan and Scott live. When they switched to afternoons, I juggled both shows, but always spent 5 hours of audio-streaming time each day listening to both shows. They helped my work move along, and now I got a great big gaping hole in my personal leisure time.

Dan and Scott are probably the funniest thing on the Internet. Sometimes they would go way too far, and make me cringe or even kill the feed for a short while, but almost always I got huge laughs and sometimes things were too funny for me to do my work… which is all good.

Ah… shit. Another implosion. This sucks.



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