I’m really getting into this whole Mobloggin’ thing… (Mobile Phone Blog)… Shawn over at TextAmerica has this going good, and it’s a fun diversion. Even some famouse folks are using it, incl. Leo Laporte from TechTV, and (watch out Chris, Stroking Ego™ about to take place) Chris Pirillo.
Now Shawn and the TA crew have a contest going on… I’ve been asked to judge. What can you win? One of three WAY COOL Nokia 3650 smartphones.
What does it take to enter? Simply design an original template for your Moblog on TextAmerica… that’s it. Myself and the other judges will review the entries, and pick the best of the lot – extra points go for originality, usability, and well, cool factor. The more you tweak (ie, the comments section, detail pages, etc etc), the better your chance of winning.
Check it out today – if you have a smartphone with a built in camera, sign up for a free Moblog from TextAmerica, there’s plenty of built in templates to already use – you can be up and going in only a few minutes. And even if you don’t have a smartphone, you can sign up and upload photos from your PC… and design the template that will win you a free smartphone! 🙂
(note, I have no affiliation with TextAmerica, other than I host a Moblog there, and have been asked to be a judge – I have no business ties or benefits from them – I just love the service!)